In addition, climate-change related desertification and poor agricultural and pastoral land-use practices such as deforestation and overgrazing are also prevalent. This changing environment is affecting the country’s economic and social development, particularly as Somalia’s economy relies heavily on natural resources like pastureland.
To address these challenges, STS – Serving Together for Social Development is working with the government authorities, local communities and other partners to build the resilience of vulnerable communities to the impacts of climate change in Somalia. The organization believes that by increasing awareness and understanding of climate change, strengthening adaptive capacity, promoting sustainable natural resource management practices, and enhancing institutional capacity, vulnerable communities will be better able to cope with the impacts of climate change. This, in turn, will contribute to poverty reduction, food security, and sustainable natural resource management in the target areas.
To achieve its objectives, STS – Serving Together for Social Development focuses on promoting sustainable environmental practices and building the resilience of communities to climate-related shocks. The organization supports the development of community-based natural resource management plans, provision of alternative livelihoods, and awareness-raising campaigns on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
By working in this thematic area, STS – Serving Together for Social Development is contributing to the long-term resilience and sustainability of Somalia’s natural resources and communities. We focus on promoting sustainable environmental practices and building the resilience of communities to climate-related shocks. STS – Serving Together for Social Development supports the development of community-based natural resource management plans, provision of alternative livelihoods, and awareness-raising campaigns on climate change adaptation and mitigation.